Class Scheduling Frequently Asked Questions (For Regular Session Only)
Getting Started
I just started working for the department but I do not have access to build the dept.
schedule, how can I get access?
Review the Getting Started page in our Academic Scheduling and Classrooms ABSO Hub.
How do I get access to the OnBase forms?
The OnBase forms can be accessed through using the OnBase app or click the form links on the OnBase Forms page.
Is there a training session I can attend to get some one-on-one training?
We have open labs that you can attend when building your semester schedule. The open lab dates will be posted as part of your round 1 information. You can contact your College Representative so you can be paired off with someone in your college for training/guidance. You can also review the Academic Scheduling and Classrooms ABSO Hub.
Where does the information about a class or course come from?
The Schedule of Classes information pulls directly from the catalog in PeopleSoft. The course designation or classification information dictates how a class is to be scheduled, like course meeting hours and weighted teaching units. Information on the course designation or classification can be found at the Curriculum website on the Course Components & Classifications page.
To change course information, contact the Curriculum staff.
Can I schedule a Supervision (SUP) course in any allocated room?
To be scheduled in a University Lecture Room, the class must be a Lecture (LEC) or Seminar (SEM) or Activity (ACT) component. Laboratory (LAB) classes must be scheduled in college designated space, not University Lecture rooms. Any class, regardless of component, can be scheduled in LAB spaces. Supervision (SUP) classes and LAB classes cannot be scheduled in University Lecture Rooms until one month prior to the beginning semester. At that time, departments can request a room through Academic Scheduling.
How do I know which University Lecture Rooms get allocated to my department?
Academic Scheduling provides the Dean and college coordinator an allocation packet. The packet contains a Production Calendar, Guidelines, Senate Policies and Classroom Allocations by College. The college then distributes this information and the room allocation to the departmental offices. Each college has their own procedures on how their schedule is developed. If you have specific questions on this process, contact your college coordinator.
What if we are going to offer a large section of 200 students? How do I get a room?
Before the semester scheduling cycle begins, each department submits their large room requests to their college coordinator and Associate Dean. The Associate Deans will then meet as a group to decide which classes will utilize the large lecture rooms. After Round 1.5, these rooms will revert back to Academic Scheduling and departments can request a large classroom following normal add procedures. (see Large Lecture Room Information).
Data Entry
I’m trying to add a new class but it doesn't appear. What’s wrong?
If the class is input correctly and the course will not populate, it means it is not in the catalog in PeopleSoft. Contact Curriculum staff and they will be able to tell you the status of the course. Sections with curriculum changes that rolled will be deleted as part of the process to implement the curriculum change and will need to be added using the Schedule New Course tab.
How do I assign the Class Section Number?
A class section number should have two digits (for example: HUM 190, Class Section 02).
What is Instruction Mode?
Instruction Mode informs students of how a class is taught. For additional information, see Instruction Mode Information
What does Schedule Print do?
If Schedule Print is checked, the class will appear to students in the schedule of classes. The class will not print if the box is unchecked. If departments are scheduling courses in university lecture rooms, all classes must be set to “Print” or they will be deleted. Other rooms such as Lab spaces may be scheduled as "No Print".
How do I change the Variable Unit to a Single Unit Course?
When scheduling a variable unit class, make sure that the class section and associated class match (for example, if scheduling Section 08 make the associated class 08). By doing so, you will be able to identify the section. Once the class is added, you will notice that it shows a unit range (for example, 1-3 units) on the screen. To change this, go to the Schedule of Classes tab at the top of the page and select “Adjust Class Associations” from the pull down menu. Once you input the initial information (term, and class), search for the correct class associations. To change the variable unit amount, the Minimum Units and Maximum Units will need to match and then press save. Do NOT change anything else on this page.
When you go back to look at the class, you will see that the variable unit value has changed to a single unit value.
Meeting Pattern
How do I input the correct Meeting Pattern? How do I change it?
Use the look up button to select the correct Meeting Pattern (Pat) for classes that meet more than four days. Do not touch the display boxes located under the day of the week.
The meeting end time (Mtg End) defaults from the Meeting Pattern Table and should not be changed for 3 unit lecture or seminar classes. Verify Mtg End for other components (activity or laboratory) and change when necessary using military time.
Delete the entire meeting pattern row by using the minus (-) button, then save, when changing any meeting pattern, times, or facility ID saved previously. Simply changing the information and re-saving will most likely send back an error message or prevent it from going into Astra. Deleting a meeting pattern row will also delete the instructor.
How do I input Instructor Employee ID? What do I do with new faculty? Do I have access
after Round 1.5?
Enter the instructor’s Employee ID in the ID field. Set the instructor’s Access to “Approve”. Insert instructor row(s) for team taught sections and change Load Factor from “100.0000” to the correct percentage for the split.
If an Employee ID is not valid, Academic Scheduling will need to associate the instructor to the department. Email the Employee ID and Employee Name and state “Add to table” to
Department access to input instructor Employee ID’s is available after the Schedule of Classes is “LIVE” until Census Date (end of day).
How do I change the instructor on a class?
To change the instructor, first, delete the instructor row by using the minus (-) button and save. Then enter the new Employee ID in the ID field setting the instructor’s access to “Approve” and save again. Simply changing the information and re-saving will most likely create ghost data in PeopleSoft.
I’m adding a Friday only class, how should I set the class up? When should I offer
the class to avoid exam conflicts?
First, the class is only meeting one day a week, so confirm you are scheduling for the correct amount of in class hours. Vary the start times for Friday classes as to not match the Monday and Wednesday start times, to try to avoid Final Exam conflicts for the faculty, students or rooms.
Suggested Start Times for a Friday Only Class
0930 or 1000
1230 or 1300
1530 or later
What are the recommended start times for a 3-unit class? What is Prime-Time?
The recommended start times for 2-day, 3-unit classes are 0730, 0900, 1030, 1200, 1330, 1500 and 1700 or 1800. Prime-Time as defined by Academic Senate policies F98-4 and S11-2 is between 0730-1455, Monday through Thursday.
Enrollment Control
What does Class Status mean?
Review Class Status. All sections should have “active” as their class status. Stop further enrollment, tentative sections, and zero enroll classes in University lecture rooms will be deleted.
Which Consent types require permission numbers?
Consent values determine whether a Permission Number must be provided to the student for registration. “No Consent” is usually the default value, but is based on the curriculum in the catalog. “Dept Consent” will require a permission number be provided to the student for registration. “Instructor Consent” is used only once classes begin and will require a permission number for registration.
What are Permission Numbers?
Permission Numbers are used to limit the number of students registering for a class. Courses set up as “Department Consent” will require a permission number in addition to the class number.
Departments or instructors are responsible for distributing the codes to students allowing them to register. Once a class is established, an automated process is run by the Office of the Registrar that generates permission numbers.
If you have questions or need permission numbers, review the Permission Number page. For additional questions, contact registrar at
What is the difference between Requested Room Capacity and Enrollment Capacity?
Requested Room Capacity and Enrollment Capacity must be the same. When scheduling within a department allocation, the enrollment capacity should not exceed the actual room capacity. If you are unsure about the capacity of a room, please review the University Lecture Rooms List [pdf].
Other Scheduling Questions
How do wait lists work?
Once a class has reached its maximum enrollment capacity, students can be added to a wait list. As students drop, an overnight process will move all eligible students from the wait list to enrolled, never exceeding the enrollment capacity.
Wait lists are removed by the first day of classes, allowing instructors flexibility to add additional students as classroom capacity permits.
Any questions about wait list, please review the Enrollment Limit and Waitlist page contact the
Can I change a room after a class is scheduled?
After classes are scheduled using college allocations, you may request a room change through Academic Scheduling. Using the Scheduling Change Form in OnBase, indicate room preferences along with desired room characteristics in order of importance.
Departments must list their top 3 priorities in descending order. (For example: 1st Technology, 2nd tables and chairs, 3rd Clark Building). Academic Scheduling will then use this information when searching for a University Lecture Room for your class.
If Academic Scheduling is unable to accommodate your first priority request, the request will be denied and a brief explanation will be provided in the Academic Scheduling Comment section.
If there is no preferences listed, classes will be placed in University Lecture Rooms based on optimum usage and you will be notified through OnBase.
If departments are looking for a specific building and/or room, but want to keep the room they are currently in if not available, please indicate “Keep Original Room if requested room not available” in the comment section.
Can I request a larger room without increasing enrollment cap?
Departments can request a larger University Lecture Room starting the day after census. Requests will only be accepted for 5 calendar days. After that time, there will be no room changes to allow final exams to be situated correctly.
I have 2 classes that I would like to swap rooms with, how can this be done?
You can start requesting room swaps at the beginning of Round 2. Make sure that the class enrollment is equivalent to the classroom capacity. If you are not sure of what the room capacity is, look at the University Lecture room list. Using the Scheduling Change Form in OnBase, indicate in the comment section that you are swapping rooms.
When is the “black out” period?
Academic Scheduling will not allow scheduled classes to move rooms 7 days before the start of classes. Departments may begin requesting room changes on the 8th day after the start of classes. This “black out” period allows students and faculty to have established rooms for their first class meetings.
Why is it necessary to notify enrolled students before canceling a class?
Once registration starts this procedure is required to protect certain categories of students (e.g. students receiving financial aid, student athletes with NCAA requirements, international and exchange students with visa requirements). Before the cancellation request is sent to Academic Scheduling the department will pull up the Class Roster and send an email notification to all students. The email should state that the class will be canceled and suggest any alternative sections (if available) of the same class.
Once this is done, the department can submit the Scheduling Cancel form in OnBase.